How much does a beginner need to start?


Opinions about the starting budget are divided. First of all, the figure depends on the selected traffic source and vertical. For example, 500 rubles is enough to start in PUSH-ah, if you find suitable partner programs, but advertising on Facebook will be more expensive, from 3000 rubles and above.

The system is very simple: more investments - more profit.

Naturally, if you have the last few thousand in your pocket, you should not merge them in a completely new and unexplored area of affiliate marketing. In other cases, we recommend using the following tips.

Test approaches, bundles, creatives and settings
On any more or less professional forum or chat, you will definitely be advised to start a bunch. And this is reasonable: it is better to spend 20% of the budget on tests, and unscrew 80% on the most successful creative, than to choose something at random and flush the money down the toilet.

Do not copy other people's cases
A case is a type of content where arbitrageurs show how much they managed to earn and on what. In fact, this is a story on the topic “How I earned on the Internet” in detail, step by step. We do not think that someone will give such information to the general public until he squeezes this bundle to the end.

Cases are needed to take useful things from them: an idea for creativity, setting up the CA, software used by the arbitrageur, various chips and options for draining traffic. Mindlessly repeating someone else's case = drain the budget into the pipe.