What is wrong with your FB-campaigns


We analyzed the opinions of experts in the field of advertising campaigns on Facebook.

And here's what it comes down to:

1. An advertising link leads from Facebook directly to the landing page where you sell.

Facebook doesn't like this. Therefore, it is better to first bring the user to some neutral page, and only then to the selling site.

2. There is still too much text in the picture.

We would add - it would be better to avoid it altogether.

3. You do not follow the rules of Facebook advertising campaigns.

Here is the link - study them - https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads

4. The content of the advertising text on Facebook and the landing page do not match the context.

As a result, the user is a little dumbfounded and cannot understand whether he got there.

5. Neglect of A / B testing.Did you not know?

Facebook has already launched it a long time ago. Have a try.

6. A transparent description of the product and the problems that it solves.

The user must clearly understand what this product will give him.

7. Too wide targeting.

Use it wisely here. We still think that at the beginning of Advertising campaign it’s better to set broad, but well-founded targeting.

8. Incomprehensible picture. People primarily respond to the picture, and only then read the text.

So the pictures should contain a clear message and everything should be clearly visible.

9. Focusing on Product Properties, instead of focusing on the benefits of its use.

Of course, people are interested in what the product will give them, and not just what it is.

10. Do not forget about clear calls to action.

Let the user know exactly what action you expect from him on the site - "where to click".

Good luck bro...