Traffic arbitration in Tik Tok


Friends, admit it, who has already managed to download the Tick-Tok and periodically freezes in this application? This network has a huge potential, including for traffic arbitration.

What kind of fruit is this?
Tik-Tok is a platform for publishing short videos. Now the application occupies the top places in terms of downloads and usage.

In Russia, as of January 2020, the Tick-Tok audience was 18 million active users, 60 percent are girls, 40 are men.

You will think that the main audience of the application is insolvent teenagers. But this is not so, every day more adult people are registered in Tiktok, which is due to the growth of diverse content and the appearance of more mature celebrities in this network. Among other things,

The audience of 18-34 is 44 percent.

The average usage time per day is 45 minutes. Yes, Tik-Tok is addictive.

On average, users open the app 7 times a day, 73 percent of them from Android and 27 from iOS.

The total number of users has already exceeded 800 thousand.

More than 20 million videos from Russia were published in 2019.

In Russia, Tick-Tok is less popular than in a number of other countries, where the audience is slightly older. However, it will be easier to join this party, starting with RU.

Advertising in Tiktok
Previously, advertising on the platform was only available to large and well-known advertisers. However, not so long ago, Tiktok allowed ordinary mortals to advertise.

Casino advertising is not welcome there. And it will be time-consuming to calculate statistics, since many tools are missing here.

What other promotion options are there

- spam is everywhere in compliance with the limits. Comments under the videos, subscriptions, the use of profitable hashtags.

- Yandex.Direct. Through the cloaca, you can tune in to the display on social networks, including Tick-Tok.

- native videos in the feed

- advertising from bloggers as the most popular way of draining. You can ask a person to insert your link into their profile, or mark you on the video.

Plus, which many will like is that there are practically no bans and you can create as many accounts as you want from one device, you will not get anything for it.

What can you grab a ban for?

- proscription of any kind

- re-uploading the video can lead to a shadow ban. The social network does not like such machinations, when you delete old videos, and then expose new ones.

- spam in all its manifestations (a large number of videos, hashtags, likes and comments)

What are the limits then?

In order not to get into the shadow ban on the first day of experiments, I want to tell you about the Tick-Current limits (no one has canceled a neat cheat yet):

- you can subscribe up to 200 accounts per day

- limit on likes – 500 per day

- it is better to use hashtags in the amount of up to 5 pieces under the video

Before using cheating or any other paid promotion methods, upload at least 15 videos to your account.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to attach a link directly to the site in a Tick-Tok. For full-fledged promotion, you will need to conduct your traffic in Telegram or Instagram.

One of the successful approaches is to demonstrate a rich life, the secrets of which you will tell in detail on another platform.

The main goal when promoting in Tiktok is to attract a person and take them to the space we need. Therefore, do not rush to publish a million videos with scrolling slots. If you connect creativity and ingenuity, then your Ticks will be able to shoot pretty quickly. It is important to follow trends here, taking them in the right direction.

To pour or not to pour?
Tick-Tok is a growing social network, the target audience of which is still too small. However, every day there are more and more adult users.

If you pour, then choose older bloggers with a more mature and solvent audience.

Try to feel the ground and start to understand this platform, because a little more and advertising here will shoot like lightning, especially when the probability of quarantine throughout the country is increasing more and more!