Education in Traffic Arbitration


What is the education vertical in traffic arbitration?

For many arbitrageurs, the niche of education as a way of earning money is something incomprehensible and, at first glance, not profitable, but this is far from it. Today, six-digit numbers are spinning here, and thanks to the high rebill rate, average checks and the lead's life span are very sweet.

In addition, another plus is the environmental friendliness of the offers. You no longer need to think about how to sell the next consumer goods to the client, you really help the user solve his problem! The products are always in demand and allow you to work both in the usual CIS market and in a more monetary bourgeoisie!

Conditionally , this niche can be divided into several directions:

essay- working with offers of the classical educational system - projects offering assistance to students and high school students in writing essays, essays, term papers, theses, qualification papers, etc.;

self-development - work with various online schools, both specialized and creative, online simulators, business projects and other educational products;

languages - work with linguistic projects - foreign language schools, online programs, author courses, etc..

The most popular GEO
In Bourges, the majority of customers are in the USA - 85%, followed by the UK - 3.5%, Canada - 3.5% and Australia - 1.5%.

Brazil is also gaining great popularity in the CPA market right now. The market is just being formed there and, if resources are available, it is worth testing it. It should be taken into account that unlike the above countries, in which almost every resident speaks English, in Brazil the national language is Portuguese. Traffic there is cheap now, but the population is not as solvent as tier-1 countries.

Always take into account the national peculiarities of GEO when planning content sites. Also, it is not necessary to write off the countries of Europe, in which a huge number of visiting students are currently studying, including from CIS countries.

Among the most popular countries are the Czech Republic, Germany, Holland, Poland, Austria.

What objections can your clients have?
Essay services are not a wow product, where the decision is made on emotions and the user is ready to believe in any legend to solve his problem.

Here we are talking about a job that is likely to affect the overall academic performance of your client and possibly decide his future fate at the university - the transition to the next course or expulsion.

Therefore, it is extremely important to beat his main fears - untimely delivery of the work, inconsistency of the format or assignment, getting a non-unique work (plagiarism). Working with these objections in ads and landing pages can significantly increase the conversion rate.