Features of the Gulf to India


India is the second country in the world by population. Despite the poverty and poorly developed infrastructure, it is in India that you can get traffic with minimal competition, let's look at what's what below.

Here are some facts confirming why it's worth trying to pour on India:

1 fact: India has a huge number of Internet users — according to the latest data at the beginning of 2022, 658 million people use the Internet in India;

2 fact: Quite a large number of users know English — this is due to the active development of tourism in India, so you do not have to translate your creos and prelands into the local language;

3 fact: Low cost per click.In some affiliate programs, you can buy traffic from India at a price of $0.001 per click;

4 Fact: Low competition: all webs, as a rule, aim to work with Tier-1, Tier-2 countries and forget about Tier-3.

What do you need to know to successfully pour on India?
India is a big but poor country. The population is very trusting of inexpensive means from the Internet (insides), which promise to completely get rid of the hated disease!

Let's figure out the numbers:

The population of India is 1.4 billion people, and 658 million of them are active Internet users, another 467 million are registered in social networks.

The capital of India is New Delhi;

Currency - Indian Rupee;

The average salary is $115 per month.

The average age in India is 29.5 years. Under the age of 18 — 30.8% of the total population;

There are 2 official languages in India: Hindi and English;

The richest cities in India are Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Surat, Pune and Jaipur. You can choose to target residents of these cities if you plan to invest in forex, crypto, casinos, betting, expensive goods or travel;

The poorest cities are Dharavi, Varanasi, Kolkata. Swipstakes, subscriptions, inexpensive goods and insides will go well into them

The Internet
658 million people use the Internet. The average online time is at least 7-8 hours. Moreover, 4 hours on the Internet are spent from the phone;

Most often, residents of India visit: Google, Facebook, Youtube, news channels, Quora and Twitter;

About 340 million people have a profile on Facebook, most of them are men. The most popular messenger is Telegram.

What traffic sources should I use?
The top source of traffic is contextual advertising and SEO, as a large number of residents of the country use Google.

Instagram Facebook, Twitter, Instagram* and Pinterest are definitely in the top here. TikTok is banned in India.Youtube — residents of India spend a lot of time here, if you are good at working with this traffic source, then the result will be excellent!

You can also safely use the messenger newsletter: Telegram and WhatsApp are the most popular messengers.

The best Verticals for Your traffic to India:

Indians are gambling - they love gambling and cricket, as they consider betting and casino games as one of the only ways to get rich.

Most often put on: cricket, football, martial arts and athletics;

Crypto and binary options - There are a lot of IT specialists in the country who understand how cryptocurrency works and are ready to earn in this way;

Dating — residents of India are very loving and constantly sit on dating sites;

Nutra - Indians buy inexpensive funds. Ointments, creams and pills for potency and penis enlargement go well, as well as miracle pills against parasites, joint pain and hair strengthening. There is trouble with medicine in the country, so people are saved by cheap analogues from the Internet;

Features of creatives and prelands:
It is best to use green shades everywhere - association with naturalness is the main quality that the local population appreciates. In all the pictures it is best to use women and men with Indian appearance

If we pour on casinos and bets, we definitely prescribe large ones everywhere about guaranteed quick earnings