Pouring traffic to Vietnam


Vietnam for arbitration is a country with a very high potential. The volume of purchases here is growing very fast. Users want to buy and are open to advertising, consider the features of the Gulf on Vietnam.

Population, Internet, important figures:
Population: 96.02 million of which 50.5% are women and 49.5% are men;
Internet users - 67%
Mobile Internet users:77%
Active users of social networks: 57%
The average age of a person sitting on the Internet is 31 years old.
The average annual income is $3,564.
They buy almost everything, often and a lot — the country's economy is developing, which means people are looking for great amenities and favorable offers. Approximately 84% of Internet users bought online at least once a month.
Why do Vietnamese People like to buy online:
- convenient;
- you can compare prices;
- there are products that are not available in regular stores;
- looking for great deals and promotions.
What do the Vietnamese pay attention to before buying:
- Reviews — 9.9%
- Brand — 9.8%
- Advice from friends and relatives — 11.5%
- The advertisements themselves — 0.2%
- Site quality — 8.2%
- Availability of online reviews or videos about the product — 8%
- Information about the product in social networks — 8.3%.
Users of the southern part buy more. Price promotions are not so attractive for them, functionality, effect, exclusivity, and the ad itself are more important. But in the north — promotions, gifts, everything for free — a great motivation to buy.

What categories of goods are in the Vietnamese basket?
Popular categories of goods among Vietnamese users are fashion, household appliances, dietary supplements, dietary supplements, herbal remedies for weight loss, mobile equipment and cosmetics.
What we focus on in advertising materials:
In advertisements, Vietnamese are attracted by the emphasis on health, naturalness and improvement of well-being.the natural composition is an important advantage when choosing. They are also more loyal to traditional advertising, and not to something very creative than Asian promos usually sin.
In advertisements, Vietnamese are attracted by the emphasis on health, naturalness and improvement of well-being. In recent years, they have been picky about the quality of goods. Natural composition is an important advantage when choosing. Traditional advertising works better than something creative.
What men buy:
Vietnamese men are short and thin. To a greater extent, it is not weight loss that is relevant for them, but means that allow them to gain muscle mass. They also often buy adult goods.
Also, men in Vietnam smoke a lot - means for teeth whitening, fresh breath and anti-smoking are popular.
What women buy:
Cosmetics, clothing, personal hygiene items, entertainment.