What's in the top in the summer and what we pour on. A selection of popular niches and GEO from Clickengine


Summer for an arbitrageur is a time when you can get up well on seasonal offers and insides, because in summer everyone especially wants to be slim and beautiful, which means it's time to lose weight and put yourself in order. We tell you which niches are now in the top:

A tool for weight correction

It's time for beaches, pools and vacations — and this means everyone wants to get rid of extra kg quickly.

CA: MJ, 35+, but we focus on women — they place orders better

GEO: in the top Malaysia and Chile

Traffic sources: FB, Google and much more, see the information about the offer

There are a great many working approaches, try what your heart desires!

Suitable for beginners to start

A means to increase male libido, increase and potency

In fact, the niche is relevant all year round, but especially in summer, since there are more acquaintances and you need to be in good shape. It is well suited for beginners to start.

CA: M 40+

GEO: in the top Colombia, Chile and Vietnam

Appruv 50-60%

Sources: the most popular is Facebook, but there are many options — see the terms of the offer.

A recent case: launch to an audience of 45-65 in Colombia – apruv 65%. The current volume of the webmaster (first launch) is 50-60 daily per day with a SWARM of 160% - optimizes and scales the approach to other geo

A remedy for parasites

Summer is ideal for the spread of parasite infestation, this is especially true for hot countries!

CA: MJ 35+

GEO: Bulgaria, Portugal and the Czech Republic are in the top

Appruv 45-60%

Sources: popular sources of facebook, TikTok and Teasers, but you can test others, check the terms of the offer

Working approaches: expert article or TV show

Suitable for beginners: yes

A recent case: our webmasters pour on this niche all year round on almost all geo, but since May they have added new approaches and the volume has grown 4 times, they also noticed an increase in the appruva by 4-6%

Choose a niche and fill up soon!