New Envelope countries in Gambling - a lot of money and low competition


We have discovered two geo sites, which have now become a real godsend for both beginners and experienced web users. These are very unobvious regions — Nepal and Morocco. But it is in these two countries that webmasters are now earning very well. Let's talk about the features of these geo, how to pour there, as well as about the offer and sources. Let's go figure it out! Nepal: brief information about geo Nepal is an Asian high—altitude country in the Himalayas, which is generally not rich, but online entertainment is in great demand here. Potential audience coverage: the population is 31.1 million people, of which 51.6% are Internet users Average salary: $165/month. Currency: Nepali Rupee Language: Nepali. This is the official language of the inhabitants of the country, it is better to run all creos only in it.  Gambling in Nepal In Nepal, section 125 of the National Criminal Law has been in force since 2017, prohibiting gambling and betting. People who play in casinos are fined and even imprisoned. Only the official state lottery is allowed. However, the law is more concerned with offline establishments. Online casinos and betting are not clearly regulated, the government still sees this as a big problem. Instagram facebook, tiktok, etc. Nepalis, despite the ban, play in online casinos, getting to them in different ways, for example through Facebook, instagram, tiktok.  What to use in creatives for Nepal Let's look at the ideas of approaches that might work well for Nepal:  The right targeting. Despite the fact that online casinos can be played from anywhere in the world, it is better to target large cities: Kathmandu (the capital), Surkhet, Bara, Dang, Bhaktapur, Siraha and others similar. This is due to the fact that the level of urbanization is low, most of the population lives in rural areas without the Internet. Adaptive creatives and landing pages. In Nepal, most users use mobile devices for online entertainment.  Static or light in weight creos and promos. The internet connection can be very slow. If there is doubt whether the creo will open, load, it is better to test or replace it with a lighter version. Bonuses. Nepalis, despite their love of gambling, live poorly and are used to saving and looking for benefits. It is necessary to tell as much as possible about the bonuses and benefits of the casino, that this is a proven institution and there are good chances of winning. They can attract online platforms offering frequent promotions, tournaments, and prizes.  National attributes and personalization. Webs point out that Nepalis respond better to ads featuring the faces of local residents. The emphasis is on safe play. You can specify that the casino accepts available types of payments, that is, that there will be no problems with tracking by the government. If the casino accepts deposits in the crypt, this should also be indicated. Morocco: brief information about geo The Kingdom of Morocco previously belonged to Spain and France. Now it is a technologically advanced self-sufficient North African country. Gambling is legalized here for both locals and tourists.  Potential audience coverage: the population is 37 million people, of which 27 million are Internet users Average salary: $2,200/month. Currency: Moroccan Dirhams Language: the main language is Arabic, there are also Moroccan dialects.  Gambling in Morocco Gambling has been legal in Morocco since 1930. Since 2009, some forms of online gambling have also been legal. Sports betting in Morocco is conducted by separate organizations, all of them owned by the state. The Government is actively involved in the gambling sector. There are now several land-based casinos in the country. The law clearly distinguishes what is allowed and what is not — for example, betting on blood sports is prohibited. Licensing systems and taxation regime are spelled out in detail in the laws.  What to use in creatives for Morocco The following strategies and approaches can be considered in campaigns for Morocco:  National attributes. It is advisable to make creos in Arabic, use flags, currency, and the faces of local residents for better personalization. You can include individual phrases in the Moroccan dialect. Result and win. Residents of the country are focused on the final result — it can be bright stormy emotions from the game or a good amount of winnings. This can be shown in videos and images.  The news approach. Moroccans are actively following the latest news. If a creative presents a casino or the story of a winning compatriot as news, it can attract interest.  Restraint. Morocco is an Islamic country, and it is better not to show naked women or other explicit images on creo.