Farm accounts on Facebook 2019


So, our arsenal:

The phone/tablet on which we install Facebook;

SIM cards;

Proxy server;

The "VirtualBox" program;

Own domain (the simplest hosting is Gino);

Bank card or Pay-Pal.

The first stage. Day one: "Account registration, search for friends":
The easiest and fastest stage. We take the phone, insert a fresh SIM card into it, install the Facebook app and register.
We won't hide our location from Facebook, because ordinary people don't do that. Remember the basic rule - adequacy.

When Fb requires your photo on the avatar, we take a photo on the front camera. Then you can put a normal photo.

We choose an educational institution in the city where you live. Facebook will determine your location itself when you specify your place of residence. Let's not argue with him. If you don't want to do this, then you can put any city you want in the "place of birth" and choose any educational institution in this city. In the "place of residence" we put the city that Facebook will determine.

After registration, you can subscribe to some public and make a couple of likes a day, sometimes you can even repost. The main thing is to make sure that your page looks more or less alive in case Mr. moderator comes to visit. And yes, when you pour - you need to continue to conduct adequate activities - sometimes put a few likes, you can throw pictures on the wall. With a phone, it's easy and fast.

And most importantly: never log out of your Facebook account on your phone! Let it always be open in the background, like your favorite VK and Telegram, by the way, Clickengine also has profiles in social networks. Social networks - subscribe.
Before we start warming up, you can wait only 3 days, but optimally - 6.

Day 1 - register, fill out an account, find friends;

Day 2 - we create an advertising page, prepare the necessary consumables (for this we will need a proxy server and VirtualBox - details will be further);

Day 3 - fill in the advertising page;

Day 4 - we start warming up the advertising cabinet.

How to find friends?
We find any girl from our country who has more than 500 friends. This means that she adds everyone in a row. We are adding friends. When she adds you, applications for friends from some people will immediately begin to arrive. We add 10-15 people who look the most adequate. You can do more.
If you have registered from your phone for the first time, then Facebook will sync with VK, and you will immediately receive friend requests from your real friends.

The second stage. Day two: "Creating an advertising page, preparing a proxy server":
Attention! If there has not been a Facebook page registered on your PC yet, then you can ignore this step altogether and just log in to your have an account from your home PC, but you will still need your own domain.
Let's start by buying a proxy server.

So, the proxy was bought. Now we have a login, password, IP address and port. It's time to deal with the virtual machine.
Download VirtualBox and install it. Next, watch the video on how to set everything up correctly. Virtual machines are convenient because you can work with multiple accounts at the same time (for this you need to install several virtual machines). Now we have a virtual machine with a configured proxy, which has a static IP. From now on, all work with advertising is done through a virtual machine or a PC, everything else is done from the phone.
Now buy your own domain.

Now you have a domain - you can create an advertising page on your account. Feel free to create it. Choose a category – "retail". On the same day, you should not put avatars, covers and throw content – just create and that's it. Make the name of the group so that it matches the name of the domain. In our case, the store can be called "clickengine-shop".

The third stage. Day Three: "Filling in the advertising page":
Everything is simple here - fill in as many fields as possible in the advertising page. Fill it out adequately. You don't just need to grab pictures from the browser under the request "Facebook covers". Make in Photoshop any picture on which the name of the store will be written. Just imagine that you are a moderator. You look at the page and decide whether to ban the advertising account or not. You have 10 seconds. Where will you look?


Availability of content;

Having your own website (you won't have one, but you can ignore it, because many stores are just one group in the social network).

When the page is full, subscribe to it your "friends" who were added the day before.
Now the most important thing is that the advertising page needs to be maintained. It's not enough to just fill it in at the very beginning and that's it, keep loading some goods there. Simple product images with affiliate links will be enough.

The fourth stage. Day Four: "Warming up the advertising account":
If you thought that now we will launch a weight loss program and we will immediately catch leads – you were mistaken. Now our goal is to start warming up the advertising cabinet.
How to do it correctly?
We create a creative for any white product, but we do not immediately run to the ADS manager.
We park the previously created domain to the PP through which you plan to pour. It is extremely important that the affiliate link passes through your domain. Without this, I do not advise pouring at all. If you do not know how to park a domain, then look at the manuals on this topic, there are many of them.
We fill in the creative on our advertising page. Create some beautiful post about the product, leave a link under it. After that, the creative will be saved in the shared library.
Now we go to the ADS manager and create an advertising campaign for this product with a budget of 250 rubles per day. When you need to upload a creative, just select it from the library, because it has already been saved there after being added to the advertising page.At the end, we link our card. It is advisable that your first and last name on the card match the first and last name on the account — then Facebook will have one less reason to ban you. Now the main thing is not to change the offer you are pouring on.
During the warm-up, do not change the GEO in any case. It is best to pour it on your country. You can add new creatives, experiment with texts, etc. No one forbids you to bring the campaign to plus, just do not change the offer and GEO until you pass the first payment milestone — this is a kind of time check. The first milestone can, of course, be passed on the first day, but then the whole test of time will be for nothing. That's why we set a budget of 250 rubles.
After these measures, accounts live as long as possible.
What should I do if my account is banned after all?
Just challenge your ban. Fill out all forms, attach a scanned passport, etc. In any case, you will be banned if you have not violated any rules of the advertising network. It is better to contact the administration in English.

Measures that contribute to a long account life

Park domains only without redirects

Do not even try to pour on some other GEO, except the CIS, from an account that was registered in Russia (in most cases, an instant ban)

Accounts with a connected business manager live longer

Do not increase the daily budget of the advertising campaign too sharply

When contacting the administration (if you are banned), use the legal side of the advertising agreement — send links to it, if necessary. So they unban much faster.

Cloaking will be banned without the right to be broken, so be careful with it