TOP errors in Traffic Arbitration


Each of us makes mistakes in our work, and arbitration is just a minefield for them.

1. The expectation of profit from the first campaign:
The biggest misconception in arbitration that can only happen: instant wealth after the first flooded ad. Practice shows that even experienced webmasters rarely find a top bundle from a random creative: to do this, you need to test a lot of hypotheses and spend more than one hundred dollars.

The mistake in this case lies in the wrong thinking and attitude to traffic arbitration as a quick way to earn money.

An important success factor is the determination and willingness to spend money even for nothing, until it is possible to build the right strategy and approach that will allow you to bring the offer to a plus. The money merged into the minus is your experience, which you will always use.

Pouring into the negative is completely normal, so you should not come to arbitration with the last money in your pocket, wanting to double it faster. You will lose them, you will not be able to test the offer properly under pressure and you will be disappointed in affiliate marketing.

2 . The eternal search for the secret of arbitration:
Success in traffic arbitration lies in the private chips and knowledge of the tops.

If you think so, then you have already made at least one mistake.

During failures, every arbitrageur is faced with the idea that those who succeed know something unique. Something that allows them to make money while others mourn their investments.

There is no secret ingredient. Yes, there is private information that simplifies the work, but once you get it, a miracle will not happen.

3. Wrong choice of offer:
The product can come from one webmaster and show disgusting results from another — this is the essence of traffic arbitration.

4. An attempt to pour on the old top offer:
If you have a ready-made approach to it, then everything can come out quite successfully, but if you are just starting out and want to choose the most popular offer in the hope of making a profit on the example of others, then most likely you will face failure.

It's difficult to compete with top webmasters: in particular, on Facebook with small budgets, you simply won't be able to get the same part of the auction and spend the same amount of money to wait for the optimization of the campaign.

Output: search for new offers with a similar effect or restarts for new non-standard geo.

5. Working with offers without understanding their target audience and USP:
Knowing the benefits of a product and how to promote it comes with time. At the beginning of the journey, it will be difficult for you to work with an offer if you do not see its effect, audience and benefits. And always remember that you are not your target audience, and if the product is interesting to you, then most people may not understand it.

6. Choosing an offer based on average indicators:
If you see an offer with a high payout or conversion rates, this does not mean that you will be able to earn a lot of money on it.

An offer with a low reward can be no less profitable than a high one. The main thing that you should be concerned about is the difference between the payment and the cost of attracting an apruvnutogo lead.

7. Lack of strategy in the actions and testing of offers:
You need to determine how many offers and for how long you will be testing. What indicators do you expect, and what actions do you plan to carry out when you receive the test data.

Many newcomers choose the same offer and repeat the same thing over and over again, and then quit, because they think that nothing works out for them.

When testing, you first need to collect statistics on the offer or geo that will be relevant. Based on this data, you will be able to make optimization decisions, adjust your advertising campaigns, thereby obtaining better results.

The lack of a strategy will most often lead you to one of two problems:

Insufficient testing of creatives will reduce your chances of finding a profitable bundle.

Testing too many verticals, offers, geo will lead to the fact that you will spend money, but you will not receive any data based on which you can edit the campaign.

8. Incorrect data calculation: the emphasis is on the wrong indicators:
When testing offers, you should always make decisions based on the data received. That is why you should know exactly and be able to analyze all statistical indicators in order to adjust your advertising campaign in time.

9. Stupid technical mistakes:
Mistakes that occur due to inattention often lead to the loss of money. And that's the worst thing you can do when launching a campaign.

That's why always check:

an affiliate link and a form for working capacity;

correctness of campaign settings, texts, links;

geo, budget and bids;

rules and requirements of the partner network regarding the offer before launching an advertising campaign.