Infotowars what is it?


Infooffers are a digital product developed by experts of a specific niche. The information products feature the niche "weight loss, beauty, health”, in which experts have prescribed recommendations, recipes, exercises. By subscribing to the product, the user gets access to a Personal Account, where he receives a training and nutrition program on a regular basis, as well as constantly updated mental attitudes that motivate him to lose weight. The user of the subscription to the infooffer also gets access to a chat with the curator, to whom he can ask any question, or make a request to cancel the subscription. Curators are ready to help at any time.
Advantages for webmasters:
Low competition in the niche;
Bay through the prilki, no bans;
The vertical has 100% appruv, no CC;
Absence of a cap: important for those who work with large volumes;
Production: push and email newsletters, for leads from which the web is paid;
Transparent payment model - by CPA day to day.
Why is it more profitable to pour on information products in 2021 than on other verticals?
Offers are white, applications live for months. You can pour both on them and on links. There are no rigid creatives in the vertical of information products, they are not banned. This is evidenced by the bays of media buyers via Facebook – not a single ban was caught for any creos! To pour on infooffers, you do not need to retrain for a long time. The new vertical is suitable for the transition from the interior, merchandise and gambles. The information products, in fact, have the same audience. This vertical is very relevant in the context of traffic problems in 2021.
What does the web need to be able to successfully exchange for information products?
Generate unique creos;
Have a turnaround;
Be able to work with statistics.
Working with this vertical gives really wide opportunities for growth for both experienced web users and those who have recently started their way in arbitration.

Traffic sources for the Gulf on infoproducts:
Any well-known sources are suitable for infooffers!
Instagram: lenta and storis;
Facebook Feed;