How to choose a white offer in traffic arbitration with Facebook


1. Determine the popularity of the offer;
2. Seasonality /holidays:
Absolutely all stores strive to get into the wave of purchases and offer buyers to pour traffic on their offers for seasonal and top-end products.
Of course, it is worth considering what is happening in the world: due to the pandemic and the crisis, users have an even greater demand for quick loans and online loans, as well as the need for the delivery of medicines and food has increased.
Regarding seasonality, of course, the demand is also affected by the time of the year: so in the spring it is advisable to offer fans to people, and in the fall — heaters.
In promoting white offers, it is important to use the Facebook pixel, which helps to competently organize the promotion and remarketing of goods.
3. Why is it better to pour a white product from Facebook?
Facebook is a great option for promoting a white product, because there is an abundance of advertising formats and a huge audience, which, with a competent presentation, is ready to pay money.
What should I pay attention to before launching an advertising campaign?
Before launching an advertising campaign, be sure to follow these steps:
* make sure the offer is up-to-date via Google Trends or the Facebook Advertising Library;
* analyze the settings of the advertising campaign;
* see how your creos look on different devices;
* double-check your bids and budget;
* test the operability of the specified links.