How to calculate and swing GEO correctly


It would seem that it is difficult: we choose a country and fill up.

However, how do you figure out why there are different prices for similar products or cost per click in different parts of the world?

Why are some offers available for Argentina, but not available for China or Japan?

How to rock a new envelope GEO and not be afraid to "capture" new territories in the future?

We'll figure it out today

What are GEO

GEO is divided into three categories: tier-1, 2 and 3. Often arbitrageurs who only enter the niche bypass tier-1, consider the countries of this block expensive and unaffordable. At the same time, tier-3 is perceived as something budget-friendly and affordable. However, this is the wrong approach. You can merge the budget in any GEO, regardless of its location. Much more important is the vertical, the approach to creo, the RC settings and the offer itself. Let's look at how to work with countries from different Tiers


To Tier-1 - expensive solvent countries. For example: USA, Australia, Norway, England, New Zealand, etc.. There is a high entry threshold, expensive traffic and complex approaches to advertising, as the tier-1 public is "spoiled" by gloss and marketing tricks.

It is difficult to enter such countries, but it is possible.

If there is a lot of money, you can test a couple of GEO and pour it on the offer you like. If you don't want to waste money on a lot of trial tests, then you should pick up a CA.

The profit from working with tier-1 is the highest. Most of the traffic comes from messengers and social networks. This is due to the high cost of the Internet as a whole, as well as the fact that Internet providers provide unlimited access to some messengers and applications. The most difficult thing in working with tier-1 is to develop a creative. In such GEO, there are a lot of ads at every step, so the picture and text should attract attention.

It is important that it is the tier-1 countries that set the trends for tier-2 and tier-3. With a difference of 2-5 years in tier-2 and 3, creatives that previously showed profit in tier-1 begin to work and convert — we pay attention to this!


Tier-2 is also a solvent CA, but not as expensive as tier—1. Competition is lower here, there are more working approaches, as well as opportunities to monetize traffic. Countries: Brazil, UAE, Poland, Pakistan, Vietnam and a huge number of countries with developed or developing economies. Traffic here is moderately inexpensive, so tier-2 is a popular GEO group for most web sites.

When working tier-2 - it is necessary to take into account national and cultural characteristics. It is ridiculous to advertise a nutra or a gamble in the UAE with the help of an attractive girl in a swimsuit. This contradicts religious and cultural postulates.


Here is the cheapest traffic, which is negatively compensated by the low incomes of residents of such countries. This does not mean that it is impossible or difficult to earn money on tier-3. Here it is important to find the correct approach and not scare off potential customers with large amounts of payment and prepare a creo taking into account the local features of GEO. The target audience here is loyal, advertising is perceived approvingly, but it is already clear that it is possible to get an impressive plus from tier-3, rather on volumes than on specific leads.

In this block of countries, it is easiest to get traffic due to its cheapness. The advertising market is incomplete, creatives are planing "on the knee", they often forget about details and cultural peculiarities. Therefore, the CA is loyal here and perceives even simple visuals. It is worth considering the cultural minimum, and GEO will start converting.

What to do to make GEO start working

After choosing a GEO, it is worth identifying the pain of the CA;

After identifying the pain and before creating a creo, it is worth monitoring the local advertising market. Which local banners come in better, which categorically cannot be used in advertising, which once worked, but now does not bring benefits.

The main thing in the swing is GEO — tests. After analyzing the GEO market, you should create a couple of creos and test them.


To get into the plus, it is worth choosing a GEO for yourself - , taking into account the desired result, the time that he is ready to spend on pumping the RC, and the starting amount.

If you still have not decided on the choice of an offer - write to us in Telegram @Clickengine - Our managers will definitely help with the choice!