How to pour traffic on bourgeois GEO


In connection with the latest events in the world and the blocking of many sources, arbitrageurs are asking the question: "How to pour traffic on bourges?".

The Strait of Bourges and the CIS is very different in the process of preparation and mechanics of the bay.

Let's talk about the pros and cons of the bourgeoisie, about preparing for such a strait and about the features of this side of the arbitration.

Traffic arbitration on bourges can be much more profitable than on the CIS, and it's all about people's attitude to advertising. When advertising was commonplace in Europe, in the CIS people did not even know about such a concept, because of this, the difference in attitude is great.

Pros and cons of spilling traffic on bourges


1) The reward for the lead is much more;

2) The average conversion rate in the presence of an average bundle and the correct configuration of the RC is greater than in the CIS;

3) Traffic quality and traffic indicators are higher. People have more confidence in online advertising, which means that the probability of buying is greater;

4) The cost of the lead is up to 50-100% higher than in the CIS, and the profit is 4-5 times more;

5) More choice, more needs, more audience. Somewhere it is better to convert one, and somewhere else. In the CIS, everything is the same for everyone +/–.


1) Lead is more expensive;

2) Tests cost more to test different approaches, it may take 5 times more money than for tests in the CIS GEO;

3) A different mentality. Predicting how the average European resident will think is much more difficult than the average CIS resident.

Analysis of the selected GEO and its features

Before you start pouring bourges, the first thing you need to do is choose GEO. It is necessary to study in detail the features of the proposed GEO. What is the average age of the population, the percentage of men, women, ordinary problems of an ordinary citizen, which professions are the most. You need to find out the working hours, how many days a year they work in the country, up to which hour, for example, in some GEO 6-day working week. It is also worth finding out which social networks have more people, which search engines they use.

If we are talking about the interior, it is necessary to find out how many people suffer from problems of excess weight, potency, joint disease, hypertension and other things. The gut, with the right approach, will always find a client, however, it is better to pour on offers according to the needs of the population.

Features of the mentality

Be sure to find out the peculiarities of the mentality. You need to understand at what time the traffic converts better. Which regions of the country are poor, which are rich, what do residents like, their attitude to advertising. Creos must be without exaggeration, they must believe in history, otherwise there will be no envelope.

Find out the dates of all national holidays and significant events

During the holidays, the conversion is worse, it pours more expensive – arbitrageurs are used to this. Before launching large volumes of traffic, and during tests, you also need to find out all the holidays for 2-3 months in advance.

Please note that you need to Google not only the date of the holiday, but also how long it is celebrated.

Try not to use an online translator

If you want to read the prelanding in Spanish, it is best and fastest to read with the help of online translators. If you need to write a prelanding in your own language and translate it into GEO, you should contact professional translators so as not to distort the meaning of the text.

How to pour on bourges: the algorithm of actions

Let's summarize how to pour traffic on the bourgeoisie:

1. Register with the Clickengine CPA network;

2) Write to your personal manager, ask for good GEO and offers at the moment;

3) Start reading about the features of GEO and the mentality of the inhabitants;

4) Find out the dates of all upcoming holidays;

5) Create a RC and start testing.